Welcome to the blog of Jarrod Hunt Photography

In this blog I'll be sharing some of my projects, travel adventures and random thoughts with anyone who cares to read them...
You can find your way to my website by clicking on the photo above, or this lovely little link--> HERE

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Post Number 1

So, not a very exciting start to my blogging career, but I thought I'd better put something up here for people to read.
In the near future I'll have some photo's and stories to go with, hopefully good ones, but you never know.
I like to travel a lot, and I generally have a camera within 10 feet of me at all times, so let's see what happens.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jarrod, I am very impressed by your photo's and absolutely love the photo you are using on your website of the boys. xx
