Welcome to the blog of Jarrod Hunt Photography

In this blog I'll be sharing some of my projects, travel adventures and random thoughts with anyone who cares to read them...
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Friday, June 18, 2010

Personality of a Landscape- Wollongong

Besides the fact I had to take a series of landscape shots for an assignment, I've been working on a series of landscapes from my good old home city, Wollongong, for a while now. It's meant many an early morning, but it has been worth it.

Gotta say, it's not the best time of the year in terms of sunrises, and it's bloody cold standing for a couple of hours waiting on the right situation to present itself...

There will be more to come on this series, and maybe one day I'll get to exhibit a series on Wollongong. It's a long term project, and one I'm very passionate about...